HIPAA & Social Media-What Providers Need to Know Download

HIPAA & Social Media-What Providers Need to Know Download
HIPAA and Social Media • What All Providers Need to Know - 60 minutes. The explosion of social media and mobile technology has forced many home care agencies to reconsider and reevaluate their practices for protecting PHI, and procedures for handling violations of HIPAA. Increasingly, agencies are dealing with employees' improper disclosure of PHI, including disclosures through social media. Employees are often unaware of the scope of their obligations to protect PHI. Attend this webinar to get important information to ensure that your agency is compliant with HIPAA.
During this webinar, the presenters will discuss: the legal requirements for protecting PHI under HIPAA, common and potential violations of HIPAA, including violations through social media, how to handle HIPAA violations, and procedures for minimizing the risk of HIPAA violations
through social media.
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