LHCSA Clinical Documentation & Risk Management Download

LHCSA Clinical Documentation & Risk Management Download
LHCSA Clinical Documentation & Risk Management - 60 minutes. New York State Survey outcomes for this year alone indicate that providers are receiving multiple citations due to a lack of adequate clinical documentation. Consistent, accurate clinical documentation is critical to agency risk management. This webinar will address both legal and regulatory aspects of clinical documentation. The program will focus on the integration of the clinical assessment, care planning and case coordination to give you a solid foundation for documentation practices that will enhance accuracy, reduce exposure to multiple Survey citations and minimize your agency¡¦s payment risks. You will learn: key documentation principles that protect you and your agency, documentation inconsistencies that jeopardize Survey outcomes, clinical practices that enhance accurate documentation of care and services, documentation that substantiates clinical assessments and care coordination and tips to enhance documentation to reflect quality outcomes.
Discounted member price: 159.00
You could save: 38.6%

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